Choice of optional subjects for the 1st year of the master's degree





Master's degree in the field of PaE and PAA - choice of optional complex subject for state final exams - optional subject summer semester 2018

The first years of the master's degree in the study of fields Operations and economics (PaE) a Business and administration (PAA) from October 30 to November 5, 2017 chooses a compulsory optional comprehensive subject for the state final exams. Compulsory optional comprehensive subject Informatics consists of 3 subjects – Systems and Organizational Engineering, Business Information Systems and IS Strategy. A complex subject - i.e. a group of 3 subjects - you will study for 3 semesters - the summer semester of the 1st year of master's studies and the entire 2nd year. During the study of the mentioned three subjects, you will gain knowledge, experience and skills from the principles of creating information systems, the basics of problem modeling in a company and the design of a solution, the principles of choosing a suitable information system for a selected company, the design of functionality, implementation solutions, and you will find out what problems can arise and how avoid them. You will simply get a lot of information and knowledge about how to solve issues related to information systems well in the company. You will also gain practical experience of what steps to avoid so that users do not have problems using the information system in the initial stages after implementation. You choose a subject in the specified term System and organizational engineering. Subjects Enterprise Information Systems and IS Strategy you will choose in the summer semester, when choosing compulsory and optional subjects for the 2nd year of master's studies.

You can get more detailed information about the optional complex subject at the ICT for managers lecture on 26/10/2017