BP and DP topics for the research focus of KIT


The Department of Information Technologies PEF offers cooperation on real projects. The assignment will be provided by the supervisor. In the following document you will find a list of specific tasks that can be worked on. The supervisor will ensure closer cooperation in writing, access to data, methods and findings. It is thus possible to work on interesting (research) projects with the possibility of deepening cooperation.

  If you are interested in the topics listed below, please email the relevant supervisor as soon as possible before the actual audition. Bachelor theses 
  • 21. 3. – 1. 4. – making topics available to students - the possibility of signing up for auditions
  • 4. 4. – 15. 4. – auditions – if distance education continues to take place, auditions will also take place in distance form. The teacher can choose the audition method (sending a completed project, online connection, telephone connection, etc.). The student must be informed about the chosen method when registering for the audition (enter the request in UIS for the topic)
  • 4. 4. – 15. 4. - making topics available to students - the possibility of signing up for auditions
  • 18. 4. – 29. 4. – auditions – if distance education continues to take place, auditions will also take place in distance form. The teacher can choose the audition method (sending a completed project, online connection, telephone connection, etc.). The student must be informed about the chosen method when registering for the audition (can be registered in UIS for the topic).
Students will be admitted to the topics listed below on the basis of an audition and up to the free capacity of teachers.

Here you can find DP and BP themes for download

Further, you can read the BP and DP processing instructions at KIT, see here.