Digital competence in the EU and Ukraine




From April 8 to 11, 2019, the Department of Information Technologies organized a training event for 23 participants within the Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens / dComFra project.


The project is financed by the Erasmus+ program and is implemented by a consortium of 15 partners – nine institutions are from Ukraine and six from Lithuania, Poland, Austria, Romania and the Czech Republic. The coordinator of the project is the Lithuanian university Vytautas Magnus University, and the team of the PEF Department of Information Technologies implements and guarantees the project on behalf of CZU in Prague.

Prof. PhDr. Michal Losťák, Ph.D., vice-rector for international relations and 1st vice-rector, welcomed the participants with his lecture on the education system at CZU, where he also spoke about the position of our university in international rankings. During the four-day training, the activities of the Department of Information Technologies in the field of teaching and research were presented, and specialized professional workplaces were also presented: the PEF Test Center, CISCO laboratories, Big Data, IoT and GIS. Furthermore, topics such as Digital Education Strategy in the Czech Republic and the EU, involvement of experts from practice in teaching and experience from abroad were also presented and discussed. The project aims to make a significant contribution to the ongoing reform of the education system in Ukraine.