The Department of Information Technologies organizes a separate series of professional lectures on current topics in the field of Information and Communication Technologies. The cycle of lectures always takes place in WS and LS (period February to April).
Current year BS
Information, instructions, schedule of lectures
Report from the KIT 2024 Bachelor's Seminar
The traditional 9th year of the KIT PEF ČZU bachelor's seminar in Prague was once again held at the Operation…
Current DS year
Information, instructions, schedule of lectures
Diploma thesis seminar DIT 2024
On 29/02/2024 and 7/03/2024, it will take place in order already...
Archive BS
6th year of the KIT bachelor's seminar
This year, already the 6th year of the KIT PEF ČZU bachelor's seminar in Prague, due to the worsening...
Substitute DP/ BP seminar - end date (SZZ) February 2021
The replacement diploma/bachelor's seminar is intended for all students who are working on DP/BP at KIT - term...
Bachelor seminar 2020
On 23/1/2020, 28/1/2020 and 30/1/2020, a bachelor's seminar will be held...
The replacement diploma/bachelor's seminar is intended for all students who are working on DP/BP at KIT - term...
4th year of the KIT bachelor's seminar
The 4th year of the KIT PEF ČZU bachelor seminar in Prague took place on 22 January,...
Archive DS
6th year of the KIT bachelor's seminar
This year, already the 6th year of the KIT PEF ČZU bachelor's seminar in Prague, due to the worsening...
Substitute DP/ BP seminar - end date (SZZ) February 2021
The replacement diploma/bachelor's seminar is intended for all students who are working on DP/BP at KIT - term...
Diploma seminar KIT – Všeradice 2020
On February 27, 2020, the 22nd diploma seminar will be held. The seminar is…
Report from the Diploma Seminar KIT – Všeradice 2020
Traditional Graduate Seminar – scientific research workshop KIT (22nd year), organized by the Department of Information Technologies PEF CZU...
Archive of the KIT Graduate Seminar
Since 1999, the Department of Information Technologies has traditionally organized a seminar for the department's graduates. The scientific seminar with…