Hackathon Všeradice 2017 – 2nd year of application prototyping competition




As part of the graduate seminar in Všeradice, the Department of Information Technologies is organizing the 2nd annual application prototyping competition. It is not necessary to know how to program. All you need is a little creativity and an interest in applications of any kind.


What is the competition about?

The task will be to create a prototype of the application on the given topic. It is not necessary to program anything. The main thing is the concept. Any prototyping tools can be used, but also direct development environments. The theme of the competition will be revealed on the spot. The start is at 9:00 a.m. and the teams then have until 5:00 p.m. to create a prototype. They will then present their vision to the other teams. The contestants themselves will then vote among themselves to choose the winner.

Who is the competition for?

All PEF students can apply (restricted to wp graduates participating in the diploma seminar, their registration is possible after agreement with the organizers). Contestants apply through the form on this website, each one individually. Teams are a maximum of 2 members. If necessary, we will arrange an excuse from the lesson.

When and where?

The event will take place as part of a seminar for graduates of the Department of Information Technologies 2. 3. 2017. The venue is Všeradice Castle Court. It is a recently renovated area with its own brewery. After the competition, you can taste the unique Všerad beer. Transportation from school (and back) by bus is provided for participants. Lunch and dinner will be provided on site. All for free.

What will be available?

You just need to bring your own computer. Internet connection will be available. Then a projector for the final presentation of your ideas, tablets with Android (Samsung and Asus), smartphones (Windows Phone and Android) and iPad mini. But you can bring any of your own devices.


Prizes and an extraordinary scholarship await the winners.


Prototyping is a technique used in software development. This is the design of the application, its functions, structure and interaction with the user. It is used before starting programming to clarify the assignment, but often also for devising and defining functions. It often serves and helps in communication with the customer and is also part of the contract. Similar to prototypes, wireframes are also made. These, unlike prototypes, are not interactive and focus more on the layout of elements and appearance. It is of course also possible to create wireframes as part of the competition. The overall concept is important. Video demonstrations of application prototyping. Prototyping is best done with specialized tools. Among the most famous are:

I want to participate

If you are competitive or just want to try something new, then this event is for you. Team members apply individually by filling out the form. Don't hesitate and sign up! The number of places is limited! Participation in the event is for free. Just register. Report from the year 2016

Hackathon 2017 Student Guidelines

We will meet in Všeradice on March 2, 2017 at the latest until 9:00 a.m!! The competition starts at 9:15. The grounds of the Castle in Všeradice will be accessible from 8:00 a.m. Information for students who will travel by bus: the bus leaves at 7:00 a.m. from the ČZU Canteen in Prague.
The Minister of Agriculture took over the patronage of the event Marian Jurečka. Sponsored by the company COMPETITION.
In case of questions, contact the event sponsors:
Ing. Jan Masner Ing. Michal Stočes
masner@pef.czu.cz stoces@pef.czu.cz
Office: E305 Line: 2277