Due to the current epidemiological situation, the only supported option is the use of electronic communication.
Application for recognition of the subject - recognition of the exam (credit)
- according to the valid SZŘ, the exam/credit must not be older than 5 years
- Option – electronically (another option is not currently supported)
- send a scanned and completely filled out and signed written application on a standard form by email to the wp secretariat ( sucha@pef.czu.cz);
- in the event that it is an exam outside the wp (department), the following must also be sent at the same time:
- proof of the exam (index scan, verified statement of study IS, etc.);
- the syllabus of the relevant subject in order to be able to assess compliance (it is possible to send a link to the relevant pages in the IS);
- the secretariat will arrange for the application to be processed by the relevant guarantor and, in the case of a positive assessment, for it to be signed and handed over to the Study Department;
- information about the result of the application is sent to the student by e-mail (standard within 3 working days);
- the mentioned procedure can be used until February 21, 2021
- applications can be submitted "... no later than the end of the second week of classes in LS" see instruction The most important dates - pedagogical activities of the 2020/2021 school term (will be issued before the start of the semester).
Other variants cannot be implemented at the moment.
It is of course possible to submit an application through the Study Department according to the faculty's instructions, but the processing may be longer, or less operative.
Additional registration for a subject / change of subject (optional subjects)
- the same procedure as in the case of the Application for the recognition of the exam/credit;
- send an electronically signed scan of the application (only department subjects);
- when Subject change requests it is necessary concurrently request the cancellation of an already enrolled subject (at the secretariat of the relevant department).
Forms and applications for PEF ČZU in Prague to download here,
respectively https://www.pef.czu.cz/cs/r-7008-studium/r-7024-studijni-dokumenty/r-8469-formulare-a-zadosti