In Letňany on 30.05. – On June 1, 2024, the next edition of the Science Fair took place, where the ČZU stand could not be missed, where, among other things, the PEF Department of Information Technologies prepared a game for the visitors in the spirit of a Dutch auction.
It was an auction in the form of a game that was invented, programmed and implemented at the department of information technology PEF CZU. The department also provided all the technical equipment to bring the play to life. The auction worked on the principle of overvaluing any item and then gradually reducing the price until the amount was accepted by one of the participants by pressing the assigned button. Participants could receive various prize items for their performances.
The science fair in Letňany was visited by almost 58 thousand visitors, approximately 615 participants came to play the game. The average number of wins was 4.9 and the average score was 868.8. Over all days of the auction, the most players won an average of 7 to 10 rounds. Each day, the most common number of wins was also between 7 and 10 rounds. It can be seen that every day the distribution of winnings was similar. Players who were high performers in the auction chose a strategy with a high number of wins and a relatively low score, which was also the general strategy of the entire game. The players also chose other strategies, but they did not lead to such success.
The ČZU stand will look forward to your participation again next year at the Science Fair!